Hi, I'm Reggie - Certified Life & Business Coach

I am a certified Life and Business Coach who is an expert at connecting people with their true life’s purpose, goals, and desires. My main aspiration is guided by my coaching philosophy, which is to provide a purpose-driven coaching practice, that allows a client to feel heard, understood, and safe when addressing their biggest fears and larger-than-life goals.

My approach is to employ a coaching model that at its’ core, leads to deep exploration, powerful self-discovery, and a fulfilling experience for all clients, as an advocate for living a life of meaning and purpose my personal declaration is that without meaning we simply fall into a trap that strips us of our unique identity and gifts. If one does not discover and live into their purpose their lives would feel empty, solitary, and aimless.

Believe me when I say I know this all too well, as I personally have experienced this misalignment with the soul’s intent and I can surely tell you it almost always leads to a feeling of inadequacy, lack of fulfillment, and general feelings of depression.

Having experienced many of the same challenges my current clients are experiencing I firmly believe the reason I connect so deeply with them is because of my ability to intuitively ask the powerful questions that provide the keys to unlocking the doors that would liberate their authentic selves.

My skillset, when applied is sole to the benefit of my clients which in turn provides the confidence for them to break through the many dogmas of society’s illusions that have kept them away from living their best lives both personally and professionally.

Prior to Coaching, I spent my entire 17+ years career in the Ammonia and Oil and Gas Industries where I held various roles that allowed me to become adaptable, open, and creative.

I hold a Master’s degree in Sustainable Energy Management and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management, from the University of the West Indies and Anglia Ruskin University (UK) respectively. Beyond those qualifications, I have a strong technical foundation with diplomas in Project Management, and Safety Management which are also coupled with a Journeyman certificate and other mandatory industry-specific qualifications.

I received my ICF Coaching certification from the Flow Coaching Institute of Canada and has continued to implement my coaching skills where I can do so freely. An area that is of extreme importance to me is present in the fact that I am a lifelong volunteer for various youth programs where I coped international awards like the Youth Business International 2020 Mentor of the Year Award. Prior to that I also supported one of my mentees to acquire the 2020 MEXT Scholarship to study Disaster preparedness at Okayama University in Okayama Prefecture, Japan.

In respect to my credentials, I was trained and certified through the Flow Coaching Institute of Canada, and the International Coaching Federation (ICF) which issued me the prestigious ICF coaching credential.

Some Of My Client Experiences

Happy reviewer is super excited being part of happy addons family

Happy Reviewer

Happy Officer

Happy reviewer is super excited being part of happy addons family

Happy Reviewer

Happy Officer

Happy reviewer is super excited being part of happy addons family

Happy Reviewer

Happy Officer